We discovered today our Wee One knows how to wink. When asked to pose, she did so willingly..
Her only request? "Let me see." (the picture after I took it)
Her only assessment of the picture? "I hate my hair!" Ahhh, they start young with that stuff, don't they?
(She had warned me that morning, "Don't put my hair in a ponytail!!!" I thought she just didn't like the feel of one. I guess she doesn't like the appearance of ponytail hair! How do they even know what they think is cute and what they don't? Isn't she just a tad young to have an opinion on fashion?)
And what a great wink it is! She is a beauty!!
Little daughter's follow our lead. I wonder if it would help if you made a point of saying several positive things about yourself in front of her each day? I was taught that doing this was bragging when I was little, but I also ended up with questionable self-esteem. Don't make things up, but if you like the way your hair turned out one day, say "I really like my hair today!" If you are wearing an outfit that you just love say "Wow! I really like how this fits!" She will follow your lead.
(I almost didn't add this part because I don't want you to think that you have done anything wrong. There is so much pressure on our girls today - starting way too young. I have a 7 year old who is a sweet girl AND is very proud of herself and I feel like that is one of my greatest accomplishments. I think she is beautiful and I want her to think/feel that she is beautiful too. It was really hard for me to say positive things about myself at first, but you know what? I started to feel better about myself too?? Not a bad side effect! Sorry too long of comment. Love your picture! It obviously made me thing deep thoughts!) :)
Thank you so much for the comment. Don't ever worry about leaving comments/opinions/helpful advice for me. I appreciate any nugget of information and insight anyone is willing to offer me. I like to take any or all ideas suggested and tuck them away in my mind for future use if and when I feel it might help. It's amazing how often you can think back on conversations with someone and draw from the conversation even long afterwards. :)
Adorable wink.
I have an "almost" four year old. Over the last few months, she has started to turn down the clothes I leave laying out for her for the next day. All she wants to wear are dresses. She might be on her four wheeler or trying to catch tadpoles!
Thanks for visiting my story. Happy weekend
Funny! Get this, I have 6 girls and MOST of the time, I can't get a one to wear a dress or get dolled up!!!! I DREAMED of dressing my girls up and doing many, many cute girly things in their hair. Now I have to threaten to cut their hair if they don't at LEAST BRUSH it for crying out loud!!!! Then they will grudgingly brush it.
Oh, that is an adorable wink!!!
My 6 year old started early on the opinions about hair and fashion front too. SHe wanted her hair down all the time so she could have princess hair. Thing is, her hair is so thin and whispy that it doesn't work down. Not even now. Sigh...
Cute picture! Funny how soon they get a fashion sense?!
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